The Assembly of Thirteen Female Characters

Yesterday, I was in my Writer’s Club meeting, and I mentioned I have over 15 female characters in The Assembly of Thirteen. This woman in the club that read the series asked. “How do you keep all these characters straight in your mind and so different from one another?” The truth is that each character is a mesh of personalities. They have a little of the people I meet or those who are part of my life. If the character is a mother, she has a reflection of my mother, but a female child may be me or my sisters or may also have traces of my mother’s personality. There is one witch-vampire, Gema. I based her almost entirely on a narcissistic woman that came and went through my life and made havoc on my family, but I also gave the character a little of me. I let go of some of the ugly of me in her. I wanted to make her as human as I could.

In the Assembly of Thirteen, the first character you meet is annoying, and some people totally hate her. It is June Dumbar. June is bipolar like me, and she is thrown into the role of the leader of leaders. She must rise above and fight a war she had nothing to do with and do it with all her limitations. She lives with bipolar depression, and I tried to represent her struggles. The other leading female in the book is Lady Starr, an Athany. The Athany are a group of giants. Okay,  June, call these people giants because they are about eight feet tall. So, Lady Starr is an overly tall woman. She is caring and always wants to feed people, a motherly type like my mother. However, she is always looking for ways to help, but her ways are not always helpful.

I’ve had great fun writing this series. I especially enjoyed writing the fourth book. Although, it took me two years to finish book four. I had to make several changes to the book, and I had to cut many things and move them to book five as the story unfolded. I am happy to say that the plot stayed the same even though I have three book editions.

Anyway, I must get back to my writing table. I must give the last touches on the sequel of Calixta. And I changed the title again. As of today, it is called For Warriors and Four Mages. I have a feeling it will change again. This book has so much packed in it that I have no idea what to call it.

So, you all have a wonderful week, and for those following The Assembly of Thirteen series. I am working on book 5. I am hoping to release it by December of 2023.

Have a blessed week.