The year 2023 brought much happiness and also a lot of sadness. The good part was that I found a church where the word of God is being preached; I published two books and started a new degree. But I think the sadness overshadowed most of the good. I lost two of the most loved people in my life. I lost my Grandmother Lydia and my Uncle William within three months of each other. I loved those two individuals. My Uncle William was the first person in my family ever to say, “I am proud of you,” and I will never forget that. To this day, my parents have never said that to me. I know they are proud, but they have never said it. My Grandmother was magical. She loved me in a special way. She never said I love you. She showed me I love you. She cried with me and for me when I was hurt. She taught me to be strong and how to go for what I wanted. I will always miss her.
But amid all this hurt and sadness, I lost my service dog, Dexter, within three weeks of my Grandmother’s passing. I had my dog for over nine years. He died at 13, and in all that time, that dog gave me so much love I will never forget him.
My friend and neighbor, Vicky, saw me so sad, so she suggested I get a puppy. I had no desire to replace Dexter, but my old fears were returning now that Dexter was gone. So, I said why not and started looking for a dog. Vicky’s friend breeds Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and her dog had Puppies on November 1st, 2023. So, I got one, but my mother wanted one. Then, I got her one. My aunt saw how cute they were, and she got the last one. She got the runt of the litter.
I went this past weekend to pick all three up. Here was the catch. The breeder lives in Michigan, and I live in Florida. So I drove with my Mom and Dad through a blizzard in Michigan and lousy weather conditions. We had to drive to Virginia first, and accounting for the blizzard, the trip took us four days. The puppies were troopers. If they were a bigger breed, I would say they are now ready for the Army since they lived through grueling conditions. I have all three with me. My Mom wants me to keep hers until he is a bit older, and I have my aunt since she just sold her house and she still doesn’t have a place of her own. I have all three pups with me. Am I ready for Puppies? I don’t know.
They are a lot of work. But the way I see it, Mothers of triplets don’t know if they can deal with three babies until they arrive. I have already started a schedule. For now, they sleep, eat, live, and do everything together. However, I will begin to separate them in one week since they will be going to different homes in a month. Here are they. My Dad is in love, my Mom is a proud Grandma, and I had little sleep the last two nights.
They look cute, but all they want is to play.