Overcoming Writers Block, Ten Skills that Are Helping Me.

Writer’s block can vary in intensity and impact depending on the individual experiencing it. For some writers, it can be a temporary and minor obstacle. In contrast, it can be a significant source of frustration and stress for others. In my case, I had Writer’s block for over six months. I was not able to write anything, and that has been stressful. Writer’s block impacted my life in many ways. It has lowered my productivity. It has been a source of Emotional distress. In my case, I felt that I was no longer accomplished because I lost my creativity.

I had to relearn how I see Writer’s block. It’s important to note that Writer’s block is common and often temporary. Many writers face Writer’s Block at some point in their careers. It’s also a normal part of the creative process, and experiencing it doesn’t mean that someone is a “bad” writer.

What am I doing to fight Writer’s block? Writers can use various strategies and techniques to overcome Writer’s block, which I will describe below. Ultimately, how “bad” Writer’s block is depends on how it affects the Writer and their ability to continue writing and creating.

I tried many things to overcome Writer’s block. It can be challenging. I will give you several strategies I am using that are helping me. These may help you get your creativity flowing again. Here are the things I am doing.


  1. Change your environment: Back twelve years, when I was in the Army, I traveled all over the world for work. I know what it is to live out of a suitcase. Now that I am retired, I am a homebody. As much as I love to be home, a change of scenery has helped me break through Writer’s block. What do I mean about a change of scenery? I tried writing in a different location. I no longer sit in my office. I take my laptop and go outside by my pool, or I take a chair and sit in the back of the property under the shade of a big tree. I love to go to a local coffee shop after the rush hour. I put on headphones and write. The place is almost empty at the time I am there. So, I have the place to myself. You can go to the park or the library. You can go to the beach or maybe to a friend’s house. One of my writing friends often comes to my house to write. She sits by my pool and writes for hours. I don’t bother her, and she just writes. This skill has stimulated my creativity many times.
  2. Freewriting: I like to do this at night. I set a timer for a short period, like 5 or 10 minutes, and write continuously without worrying about grammar, structure, or coherence. I choose a topic and write or describe a place I have visited before. The goal is to keep your pen moving or your fingers typing, even if it means writing nonsense. You can use this time to make a list of the things you love to do or create a bucket list. Freewriting can loosen up your mind and generate new ideas.
  3. Set small, achievable goals: Break down your writing task into smaller, manageable chunks. Writing a novel is a daunting task. In my case, I write fantasy, and writing new and different worlds is sometimes scary. When I have Writer’s block, I set realistic goals for each writing session. I set to write a certain number of words. Other times, I set the goal of completing a specific section. And the key is that you must complete the task. Then, after you finish, you must celebrate your progress as you accomplish each goal. I like to eat some fruit with a glass of wine. So, I only have my fruit and glass of wine after I have written the little chunk I set out to do. Believe it or not, this skill helps build momentum.
  4. Try writing exercises: What is a writing exercise? It is simple. You find a prompt and write two paragraphs on the topic. However, you only give yourself 10 minutes to do this exercise. After the ten minutes, if you want to keep writing, then great. However, if it feels like a chore, do not do it. Writing should never feel like a chore. There are many resources available online or in books that offer writing prompts, such as writing about a specific object, exploring a character’s backstory, or describing a scene. You can add details if you feel like it; if not, stop. Writing should not be a chore.
  5. Take breaks: Sometimes, a break from writing can be beneficial. I have done this in the past, and it helps. I have stepped away from work and engaged in relaxing and rejuvenating activities. I like going shopping with my sister or going to the bookstore to find a new book gem. I go get massages or get my hair done. You can go for a walk, do some meditation or yoga. You can also do something creative unrelated to writing, like gardening, painting, or playing an instrument. You can also take a vacation, even if it is a 3-day weekend. Go to the beach, the mountains, or the city, but do not think about writing. It is time off for you.
  6. Read and seek inspiration: You can read books, articles, or essays in your genre or on topics that interest you. On the other hand, you can explore different writing styles or different genres. Books can give you ideas and even inspire your own creativity. You can also seek inspiration from other art forms, such as music, visual art, or film. I love to read books and then watch the movie. Afterward, I like to write a three-paragraph critique of how the movie differs from the book.
  7. Eliminate distractions: Minimize distractions that may hinder your ability to focus and write. I turn off notifications on my phone and computer. I close unnecessary tabs or applications before I start writing. I like a quiet environment in which to write, but sometimes I like music. Create the atmosphere you want. I like to have a clutter-free workspace. Do whatever works for you.
  8. Talk it out: Sometimes, discussing your ideas with a friend, family member, or fellow Writer can help you gain clarity and perspective on your writing project. Consider joining a writing group or finding a writing buddy for support and encouragement. I am a member of a writing group, and my fellow writers are fantastic at providing ideas and giving encouragement.
  9. Experiment with different techniques: If you feel stuck, try experimenting with different writing techniques or approaches. For example, if you are a “panster,” maybe you could try to outline your ideas. I have written in a different genre and added a different point of view. Try writing in a new format, such as poetry or flash fiction.
  10. Be patient and kind to yourself: Writer’s block is a normal part of the writing process. Most writers have experienced it. I must reiterate that it is okay to take breaks and give yourself time to recharge. Be patient with yourself and trust that your inspiration will return in time.