Dong, Dong, Dong, three, it is morning. Tick, Tok, Tick, Tok, the grandfather’s clock on the first floor, takes cadence. At night, sounds get magnified, and all can be heard, even from the desolation and coldness of the basement. Darkness blankets my soul, and the hiss of the machines near me makes me want to shout. But there is something new tonight. I hear the crick of the front door and the steps above. Oh, now, someone entered this hell. I entered through the front door many years ago.
“Hello, anyone here? My car broke; I need help,” said a newcomer.
She will die or, worse, be captured, but I can hear that she left the door open. Could it be a test? He left me unchained. I should try and run. I should get out. I should move up the basement, towards the front door, and leave this place. No, no, no, He will catch me. He is mighty. That is what The Blond One calls Him, Mighty. But I, so many should-haves in the past, and I didn’t take the leap. Why? Newcomer, you must leave, but she keeps calling. I heard her walk further into the house. Please, don’t close the door; leave the door open. Walk away; you must walk away. Oh, I hope He is not here. I haven’t heard him in two days. He has not given me food in two days. But what if he’s hiding?
The sounds were loud, and my heart pounded.
Tick, Tok, Tick, Tok, the clock, I hate that clock.
I hear her. She is in the kitchen. Might she be on top of the stairs to my home?
The night is only bright by the moonlight that enters through my basement window. A mouse is rummaging in a corner. I can see it. The mouse comes and goes. I wish I were a mouse.
Two days ago, He came to me with my daily water and pieces of meat, released my arms before He left, and said nothing. He kissed me. He rocked me. He looked at me with hate. I could see the sweat on His forehead and over His lip. Some days He brings The Blond One. He comes with a belt. He counts, and she swings the belt. She stops when he stops counting, and He slaps my face. He says I must cry. I don’t want to cry anymore.
I must get out, but I can’t do it. My hands are trembling.
The newcomer is moving above. There are steps around the kitchen. Thump, thump, thump, footsteps above, and the door to the basement opens. NO!
“Is anyone there?” She sounds so young.
Two days ago, He left my cage door open. This time I was dressed.
Someone walked down the stairs. It wasn’t The Blond One. A young woman, alone, He wasn’t with her.
“Oh no, what are you doing there? This is horrible.” Said the girl.
“You must leave before He gets here,”
She ran to me and helped me stand up. She held my hands.
“What is your name?” she asked
“He calls me Beautiful,” I said.
Bang! Something falls above. “He is back. You must leave.”
“We must go, hurry.”
The sound became louder.
Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, another hour. It can’t be. I can’t move, but I must move. What if He is up there waiting for me? I must move. If He is waiting upstairs, He will be mad, and the belt, I hate the belt. At least I would see the clock that makes that demonic sound that keeps telling me the time: more sounds, a crick, and a crack.
My hands are shaking. My body is shaking. I am going to get it. He is going to let me feel his wrath. The sound turned at its loudest. I could only hear my heart.
“Hurry, we must go,” she said. I left my corner. I left that putrid smell of shit, urine, and mold. I am walking on trembling legs caked with the blood of the many times He rocked me and they visited me with the belt. I am taking one step and then another.
Thump, thump; thump, thump, I walk at the rhythm of the thump. Up the basement ladder and then darkness, a kitchen, and another opened door. The Blond One is sitting on a chair. Thump, thump; thump, thump; much faster. Dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, another hour. I want to see that damn clock—the sounds of steps from stairs above the second floor.
“Bitch, where are you?” He shouts like the god he is.
Her eyes opened wide, the light from the moon shining through the kitchen window. I can see her blond hair. Tears like a veil flowing, she smiled at me and pointed at the door.
“Run,” she said in a voice so horsed it broke my heart. Steps coming down the stairs. Splat, a base fell on the floor. Steps getting closer.
“Run, now,” The Blond One said.
The Girl and I turned and ran out the kitchen door. The door closed behind us. I ran and ran. Thump, Thump; Thump, Thump, said my heart. I ran, and the moon followed me. I ran through a cornfield. Slash, slash, the corn moved with me. I ran until I found a road, and I ran some more. The girl fell on the road. A car lights blinded me. The car stopped; he came out. She stood up, took my hand, and we ran to the other side of the road.
“He found me. No! I must stop. I must go back. I must see the clock.” I pulled my hand from hers.
“No, you are not going back!” she said, grabbing my hand again.
“But the clock, I need the clock. It talks to me,” I smiled. I looked up at the moon, and she showed me her watch.