A Stolen Cup-o-Coffee

This big boy is Dexter, my English Springer Spaniel buddy. He loves coffee, and I found out the stupid way.

Back when I was living in Maryland, I was sitting on my floor working on some charcoal sketches. The dog was sleeping near to me, and I laid my cup-o-coffee by my side when the phone rang. I left everything and went to get the phone. I was away for about five minutes, but it took precisely that for Dexter to drink my coffee.

He is an amazing dog and has outgrown his love for coffee because we do not let any cups near him. In this picture, he has a face of “I don’t care, cause I enjoyed the coffee. But please, Mom, don’t be angry at me.” Needless to say after his cup-o-coffee he was crazier than a squirrel on caffeine.

He is a loon and a happy old dog.

Have a blessed day

I Woke Counting my Every Blessing

Wow, I am a blessed woman

I am a blessed woman. I am blessed from the moment I wake to the moment it is time to sleep. Every day, I struggle with mental illness, and every day, I wake with the blessing of a new day to count the good things in my life.

I am thankful for my Jesus Christ. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my dog, Dexter. I am thankful I was born in the United States. This country is amazing. It is full of amazing people that do little big things every day. I am thankful for the people that cook a meal for the homeless. And for the pizza delivery man that calls the cops on a man that he sees abusing his daughters. For the martial arts students that run after a man that tries to carjack a car. For the farmer that wakes early to save his crops and the fireman that lifts heavy weights, and takes care for his family, and leaves them to go and do his dangerous job.

I am counting my little blessings. My beautiful blessings are my niece Mia and my nephew Deenie, and my Juliet, and Amalia that are my goddaughters and the loves of my heart. I wake and remember I have food in my cupboard and water well. I thank God for the lullaby he gave me, and I added in one of my books. A lullaby for my child that is waiting for me in heaven. I have so many blessings, I can’t count. I was blessed and am blessed, and I am waiting for a big blessing that will come soon.

So today, I say count your blessings. Much love.