What do I mean with dimwitted magical thinking? That is what most of today’s generation live by and think their lives revolve around. Let me explain. A Mexican comedian and actor Odin Dupeyron once coined the phrase “pensamiento májico pendejo,” and he was referring to people that believe they can do things they really and physically can’t do and are an impossibility.
Mr. Dupeyron gave the example of a person that wants to be an Opera singer, but they can’t carry a tune, and their voice can’t reach pass a particular octave. It is a physical impossibility to achieve that person’s dream to be an Opera singer. However, there are people around him that tell him, he can be anything he wants to be in the world. Well, in reality, no, you can’t, certain things are physical impossibilities. Like, in this case, this person can’t be an Opera singer.
And like that, I see people living their lives believing physical impossibilities, and they make cosmetic changes to their bodies to make their dream possible. Then they want the rest of the world to go with them in their dreams that their magical ideas are a reality. Dreaming is a healthy way to keep our reality balance. Living in this reality all the time can be painful, but living in a world of fantasy and making that world your everyday reality is dangerous.
For many years, I lived in a dimwitted magical thinking state. I believed several lies, and those lies shaped my personality. I believed I could do things I could not do, and when I went out and did them, I ended hurt. That was when I realized I was living a fantasy of my own making. I could not physically do things, but I wanted them so badly I molded my environment to achieve what I wanted, and the result was catastrophic for me. I wasn’t happy, I was depressed, and I was disappointed because it wasn’t real.
What I wanted, I could not get, and when I molded my environment to get what I wanted, I wasn’t happy because I knew deep inside it wasn’t real. I used to think if others accepted me it will make what I wanted real? But no, I knew deep in my heart, it was not real and I couldn’t get real. Acceptance doesn’t make it real. Deep in your soul, you know, is not real.
So, what did I have to do? I had to accept me as I am, my circumstances as they come, my surroundings as they are, and my reality as it unfolds. I can’t make anyone love me. I can’t make anyone like me. I can’t make anyone want to be near me or believe things that aren’t real. People come and go, and that is life. I am living with my reality. Fantasy is part of my life because I am a fantasy writer. And reality if that place where I eat, breathe, work, and play.
Anyway, to any of you that are struggling with a Dimwitted Magical Thinking pattern, don’t feel alone, I was one of you, and there is a cure. Accept the fact that you can’t change reality. Love you and your surroundings. And create a healthy fantasy where you visit but don’t stay there forever. However, if you are unhappy because you feel you are, want, need, desire, or deserve what you believe, then I say keep trying if trying makes you happy. But remember, we all know; it is not real.