Dimwitted Magical Thinking

What do I mean with dimwitted magical thinking? That is what most of today’s generation live by and think their lives revolve around. Let me explain. A Mexican comedian and actor Odin Dupeyron once coined the phrase “pensamiento májico pendejo,” and he was referring to people that believe they can do things they really and physically can’t do and are an impossibility.
Mr. Dupeyron gave the example of a person that wants to be an Opera singer, but they can’t carry a tune, and their voice can’t reach pass a particular octave. It is a physical impossibility to achieve that person’s dream to be an Opera singer. However, there are people around him that tell him, he can be anything he wants to be in the world. Well, in reality, no, you can’t, certain things are physical impossibilities. Like, in this case, this person can’t be an Opera singer.
And like that, I see people living their lives believing physical impossibilities, and they make cosmetic changes to their bodies to make their dream possible. Then they want the rest of the world to go with them in their dreams that their magical ideas are a reality. Dreaming is a healthy way to keep our reality balance. Living in this reality all the time can be painful, but living in a world of fantasy and making that world your everyday reality is dangerous.
For many years, I lived in a dimwitted magical thinking state. I believed several lies, and those lies shaped my personality. I believed I could do things I could not do, and when I went out and did them, I ended hurt. That was when I realized I was living a fantasy of my own making. I could not physically do things, but I wanted them so badly I molded my environment to achieve what I wanted, and the result was catastrophic for me. I wasn’t happy, I was depressed, and I was disappointed because it wasn’t real.
What I wanted, I could not get, and when I molded my environment to get what I wanted, I wasn’t happy because I knew deep inside it wasn’t real. I used to think if others accepted me it will make what I wanted real? But no, I knew deep in my heart, it was not real and I couldn’t get real. Acceptance doesn’t make it real. Deep in your soul, you know, is not real.
So, what did I have to do? I had to accept me as I am, my circumstances as they come, my surroundings as they are, and my reality as it unfolds. I can’t make anyone love me. I can’t make anyone like me. I can’t make anyone want to be near me or believe things that aren’t real. People come and go, and that is life. I am living with my reality. Fantasy is part of my life because I am a fantasy writer. And reality if that place where I eat, breathe, work, and play.
Anyway, to any of you that are struggling with a Dimwitted Magical Thinking pattern, don’t feel alone, I was one of you, and there is a cure. Accept the fact that you can’t change reality. Love you and your surroundings. And create a healthy fantasy where you visit but don’t stay there forever. However, if you are unhappy because you feel you are, want, need, desire, or deserve what you believe, then I say keep trying if trying makes you happy. But remember, we all know; it is not real.

My Secret of Living Happy with Grief and Loss

After living a half-life for so many years, little by little I am starting to live again. Grief and loss took a toll in my mind, my emotions, and my feelings. It has taken years for me to come to terms with the consequences of the actions of others and the circumstances of life. Living with grief is like living inside a membrane that makes everything dull and it doesn’t let happiness or joy flow. They bounce back out and it does not matter how badly you want to feel happy, you just can’t. So, you avoid people or you fake happiness for the sake of others, and then you feel like a hypocrite. It is a visious cycle.

In my case, loss became part of me and that membrane of grief was a second skin and repelled everything that was good. However, I am very smart and a good actress and most around me did not notice the problem. However, I will tell you what made me want to cut that membrane of grief around me. I will tell you this story and maybe it might give you the incentive you need to break your own membrane called grief.

I was an Army Officer and my job at the time was to travel all over the world to Army posts teaching a class on the proper handling and shipment of medical hazardous materials. I was living In Maryland and I had to travel to Korea to teach a class. On the way back, I had to wait for three hours in Japan for my next fourteen-hour flight to the US. I was at the Narita Airport reading a book and there was this mother with a pair of twins. She had four-year-old twins and two-year-old twins traveling back to the US.

I am a single woman with no children. I have three nieces and three nephews. I spoil them rotten, but I get to give them back to their parents at the end of the weekend. If I ever babysit that long. So, when I saw that woman, with so many tax deductions, potentially flying in my flight to the US, I wanted to cry. All I wanted to do for fourteen hours was sleep. So, I tried to ignore the Gymboree of laughter. The kids were playing with Legos, and all I could do was watch. My book laid forgotten. The four kids played with those Legos, and the mother kept passing celery sticks, and I wanted to gag. How would anyone give celery to a kid? That was child abuse in my book, but the kids happily ate the pieces of softwood.

It was time to board the plane, and because I was military, the airline let Military members board first just along with mothers traveling with little children. Lucky me, there I was with the Lady and her Pre-k field trip. As we waited in the tunnel, there was this overly large person in front of us moving slowly in a wheelchair, I began having an anxiety moment. I was ill by then and was trying very hard to control my emotions and feelings without medication most times, very unsuccessfully I might add. 

I was breathing hard, I felt my face very hot, leaning to the side wall, and my eyes were closed. I was dressed in civilian closed. No one but the airport workers new my affiliations to the military. Then a little hand held mine and pulled it. I opened my eyes to see the four-year-old twins holding my hands. They were a boy and a girl. The little boy pulled me and I went down to one knee and he said to my ear.

“Is Okay, I’m scared of flying too.” Then his sister said. “We are both scared.” They both said, “You can sit with us, and we’ll lend you our Legos. That’ll help.” and then I cried silent tears. The mother came, and we talked a little. She apologized, and I told her they were angel babies. They sat far from me. I said goodbye to my little angel friends. We boarded, and there were some crying kids in the flight, not much. I cried silently some more in the fourteen-hour flight, but because I had a pair of friends that were flying scared, I was fine in the end. That happened four years ago. I learn my first lesson that day.

I learn that day that there is always someone flying scare with me, but if I let them, they are willing to share their Legos with me. Those Kids that I thought were going to make a ruckus and be naughty were the once that help me start my healing. 

In that flight I learned I needed to place asside the things I used to distract me from living. I still live with grief and loss. 

However, a pair of twins have moved in my home and they have created gaping holes in that membrane of solitude. I let grief and loss make over me. The twins are Happiness and Joy. These twins are fraternal and they are not the same. Happiness come with my naughty nephew that jumps in my pool and makes the biggest cannon balls just when I am passing by him. Happiness visits often when my nieces call for no other reason, but to say hello or when my dog go chasing a squirrel. I let Happiness come to me when my neighbor says, “Well, hello stranger” when she hasn’t seen me for a few days. 

On the other hand, Joy must be searched like a lover that is hard to get, but you are so in love you must have by your side. I fell in love with Joy the moment that boy said he was willing to share his Legos with me. I wanted to be like him and he was only four may be five.

So, I guess you need to fall in love with an emotion. That was what happened to me. I want Joy in my life. I need to feel it. Joy moves the dark urges from my soul. Joy makes me want to sing and dance. Joy makes me want to jump in my pool and play like I am a little girl. Joy, lets me water my plants in the morning and marvel in the beauty of the flowers. Joy lets me listen to any instrument in an orchestra and see colors again.

So now you know my secret. Make the conscientious decision to fall in love with an emotion.  I work on this even in the days that I am ravaged by depression. Hope is gone. But I look for my lover emotion, Joy. 

And when I can’t find it, I think of the boy and his sister and their willingness to share their Legos. And I create in my mind an imaginary friend that shares his Legos, and I create a little plane that flies to Japan and suddenly Joy touches me and kisses the top of my head.

I Deleted Three Articles in the Name of Love

I am sorry

I’ve been writing about my experiences in dating older men. And although my aim was to show how to look at stressful situation with humor, to some people my stories were hurtful. That was not my intention. On the other hand I could see how those stories can bother some people especially if they are the men that did such things.

So, to keep the peace and love others, I deleted the three articles. I did not have to delete them, they were my creation, and I have the freedom of speech. I did not use anyone’s name, date, or any identifiable detail. However, I am Pro-peace, and I must love. How can I love others? I know I like to bring peace to others soul, and Love is not just a feeling. It is an active and conscious emotion.

The Bible says that Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres.

So, I must choose to do these things. I am not the most patient of persons, and I am proud. So I must work on calming myself and listen. I show patience when I actively listen. I show I am humble when I admit I need help and seek help. So, by taking my articles down, I am showing I am willing to love others, by giving respect to my elders and when we show respect to authority even when they don’t deserve it, we show honor. So, I am honoring others.

I am not self-seeking. I seek to be happy within me but do not seek wealth by taking from others or what others have. Being easily angered is a hard thing to control. For me, when I get angry, I go for a walk or jump in my pool. I must step away to keep control, but I am working on it. I can let things go without having to spend an hour at the gym, making all deaf with my music.

I can’t keep a record of wrongs. The good thing of having a mental episode is that my mind works differently now. I can keep secrets like a champ because I will forget them as soon as I am told. I can’t hold a grudge. However, I will remember how I felt, and that will fuel my prayers. I do not like the evil things that are happening in the world; I dislike to listen to the news. When I was younger, I wanted to help others, that was one of the reasons why I served in the Army, but even there I mess up so many times. My Soldiers used to ask me to park my broom in a safe place every morning. And today, I am retired and have no TV. I get my news through the internet news.

Love protects, trusts, hope, and perseveres. So, think about it. It is a hard job to love someone that we have a sexual and romantic love that binds us and is supposed to be our husband or wife, so imagine having to love all people around us. Paul is asking a lot in this Bible verse. Some people are best to love them from a distance, and I haven’t found any verse that says we must be chummy and best pals with all. But we do have to love others regardless of who they are. That is a hard thing to do. There are so many irritating people.

But, because I made up my mind to honor myself, my family, and my G-d, I am following this template. However, I had to find my internal love first. I had to learn to love me first and now that I have reached that level of acceptance and love for me, now, I can love others as I love myself. And those that I think are assholes; I will still love them and pray to the Lord to help them be a better version of themselves.

So, I deleted the three articles, because I am trying to love the two people that contacted me and I hurt with the three blog entries. But wait, I am not a saint. I am a helion that can’t get her head out of the books most days and can create havoc in an instant. So, do not think for a second I am nice. I am just trying my best not to mess up this chance of life. Hugs to all!

Have a blessed day

When I learned to Love Me

I am in Love. No, I am not in a relationship. I am so in love with my life, with me. For a long time, I tried to find happiness outside of me. I looked for love in trinkets, in experiences and I looked for others to fulfill me, but none of that worked.

This is me. I am Omayra. I hated my name. I have no middle name. I am Omayra. It is not a common name. I love my name. It has taken a long time for me to be comfortable in my own skin. I lived many things that had shaped my character and taught me many lessons.

I am not sure what the future brings. I have many things I will like to do and places I will like to see. However, I know that even if I don’t get to do or see them, I will be happy because I made up my mind to be joyful either way. Life is too short. I wish I could live to see two hundred with youth and energy to experience things and create things, but I know that will not happen. So, I am making the best with what I have. What do I do? How do I live? I learned that material things could be stolen, lost, or destroyed, so do not place your heart in material things.

On the other hand, things are easily replaceable at least some are. However, people can never be replaced. So, I learned to be careful to treat others like I would a cherished family member because they are irreplaceable. Am I always successful? No, I am human, and I am a Veteran with a low level of patience, that tends to use colorful language when I am stressed, with a dark sense of humor, and some people get offended easily lately.

Furthermore, I will not compromise my values, loyalties, and religious beliefs for any human. But I will respect the sanctity of a person’s right to be just as human as I. How about you? Where are you in this journey? Let me know in the comments.

For now have a blessed day

My New Name, Calixta Harlow Carlyle

Calixta Harlow Carlyle

Calixta Harlow Carlyle is the name of the Character in my new book The Vanquishers of Alhambra, Calixta. I love this name so much I am considering changing my name, last name to it. I wrote the story, and by far, it is my favorite. I keep going back and re-reading it from the start and marveling at the plot and imagining of what is happening to the characters.

You might say I have an unfair advantage being that I wrote the story and I have the image in my head, but the truth to the matter is that each time I read the story I let myself reinvent the imagery in my mind and things take a different look. Even Calixta looks different every time I reread the story. Her face changes a little, her mannerisms are more refined, and she is more sophisticated each time I read her dialogue. 

The other characters are so alive that I have even started a new story based on a secondary character. I must publish this story soon so I can purge Calixta out of my desk and my concentration can then go fully to my other projects. The fourth book of The Assembly of Thirteen is waiting patiently. It is 40% written. However, the outline may change a lot depending on my decision on if to finish the story in five books or six.

But for now, Calixta is the one that needs my attention. I am writing other books, although with a lot of difficulties. Even these little entries take much of my time to write, but I do what I can.

For now, you all have a blessed day