I am in Love. No, I am not in a relationship. I am so in love with my life, with me. For a long time, I tried to find happiness outside of me. I looked for love in trinkets, in experiences and I looked for others to fulfill me, but none of that worked.
This is me. I am Omayra. I hated my name. I have no middle name. I am Omayra. It is not a common name. I love my name. It has taken a long time for me to be comfortable in my own skin. I lived many things that had shaped my character and taught me many lessons.
I am not sure what the future brings. I have many things I will like to do and places I will like to see. However, I know that even if I don’t get to do or see them, I will be happy because I made up my mind to be joyful either way. Life is too short. I wish I could live to see two hundred with youth and energy to experience things and create things, but I know that will not happen. So, I am making the best with what I have. What do I do? How do I live? I learned that material things could be stolen, lost, or destroyed, so do not place your heart in material things
Furthermore, I will not compromise my values, loyalties, and religious beliefs for any human. But I will respect the sanctity of a person’s right to be just as human as I. How about you? Where are you in this journey? Let
For now have a blessed day