Dimwitted Magical Thinking

What do I mean with dimwitted magical thinking? That is what most of today’s generation live by and think their lives revolve around. Let me explain. A Mexican comedian and actor Odin Dupeyron once coined the phrase “pensamiento májico pendejo,” and he was referring to people that believe they can […]

My Secret of Living Happy with Grief and Loss

After living a half-life for so many years, little by little I am starting to live again. Grief and loss took a toll in my mind, my emotions, and my feelings. It has taken years for me to come to terms with the consequences of the actions of others and […]

I Deleted Three Articles in the Name of Love

I’ve been writing about my experiences in dating older men. And although my aim was to show how to look at stressful situation with humor, to some people my stories were hurtful. That was not my intention. On the other hand I could see how those stories can bother some […]

When I learned to Love Me

I am in Love. No, I am not in a relationship. I am so in love with my life, with me. For a long time, I tried to find happiness outside of me. I looked for love in trinkets, in experiences and I looked for others to fulfill me, but […]

My New Name, Calixta Harlow Carlyle

Calixta Harlow Carlyle is the name of the Character in my new book The Vanquishers of Alhambra, Calixta. I love this name so much I am considering changing my name, last name to it. I wrote the story, and by far, it is my favorite. I keep going back and […]

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